Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome from Pippa

    • Meet Pippa

    • How the learning academy works

    • Join our Facebook Community

    • Connect on Facebook: Introduce yourself

  • 2

    Case Study

    • Case Study

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    Choosing an email marketing provider

    • Choosing an email marketing provider

    • Your task: Research Email Marketing Providers

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    Task: Email content ideas

    • Email content ideas

    • Your task: Create a mindmap for email content

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    Planning email content

    • Your task: Create an Email Content Calendar

    • Sample Calendar Download

  • 6

    Task: Email template

    • Your task: Create a Marketing Email

  • 7

    Social Prompt: Which newsletters do you (still) open and why?

    • Your task: Share your work

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    Explore More

    • Explore more